Joseph Hossenlopp’s Page
Profile Information
The most important question! Do you build the elements that go into your haunt, and/or want to learn more about building props? Oh, and if you choose no, we’re going to have to delete you.
How long have you been haunting:
Too long to mention!
Your haunt comprises…?
Walkthrough sets
Your haunt – Do you prefer?
Spooky ambiance
Tell us a little about your haunt..
garage with coffins, black lights, ghosts, etc
When it comes to props/decorations in your haunt, would you say you are:
A mix of store bought and homemade elements
Which statement comes closest to describing your haunt’s attitude toward kids?
for the kid’s – not too scary
You understand that any non prop related content will be deleted?
You’re deep into building, and suddenly… your build partner reaches for the last beer
You let them have it