Janna’s Page
Profile Information
The most important question! Do you build the elements that go into your haunt, and/or want to learn more about building props? Oh, and if you choose no, we’re going to have to delete you.
How long have you been haunting:
Too long to mention!
Your haunt comprises…?
Your haunt – Do you prefer?
Scare the sh**out of people
Tell us a little about your haunt..
Cirque De Morts has a primary character which is a clown. Our main room will always be our clown room and that is where you get the full size candy bar-from the clown. We have used a variety of other props/rooms leading up to the clown room. We always change the other rooms to keep it fresh and only change a few setting with the clowns.
When it comes to props/decorations in your haunt, would you say you are:
Amazed by what you can find at Goodwill
Which statement comes closest to describing your haunt’s attitude toward kids?
geared toward older kids with a certain amount of gore/scare
You understand that any non prop related content will be deleted?